Beyond The Secret: The Missing Piece in Manifestation
Mastering the Power of Attention (vs Intention)!
Bob Olson is the host of Afterlife TV, author of Answers About The Afterlife and The Magic Mala, and founder of the trusted psychic and medium directory,
Years ago, I was introduced to the power of intention. It was all the rage. I immersed myself in books like The Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science by Judge Thomas Troward, The Power of Intention by Dr. Wayne Dyer, and The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles. So much has been written about the power of intention, yet the power of attention is often overlooked, even though the two are intimately interwoven.
In my experience, most people have a firm grasp of how intention works (e.g., The Secret documentary), but only some have mastered attention. Yet our failure to monitor our attention in life is a common obstacle to manifesting our intentions.
I’ve written this article to draw your focus toward attention vs intention. If you’ve given up on setting intentions or never had a lot of results from the practice, this discussion might inspire you to begin again.
Big Picture Perspective
Let’s begin with a big-picture perspective of what we’re discussing. The most accessible paradigm for understanding these metaphysical concepts is to tap into the idea that there is an unseen connection—call it an energy—that connects everything (people, animals, insects, trees, plants, and fish).
This energy is intelligent. You can pick up the phone to call a friend across the world, and that friend thinks of you seconds before you call. The moment you thought about calling your friend on the phone, you transmitted a signal—a communication—to your friend through this energy.
Ring! Ring!
“Hey Samantha, it’s me.”
“Oh my god, I was just thinking of you!”
If we lived below the ocean, this energy would be easier to describe because all the fish and plants are connected by water. We can see and feel the water and know there’s a connection between the ocean water off the coast of Massachusetts, USA, England, and Africa (the Atlantic).
The ocean water is a more straightforward representation of an energy that connects everything that lives in it. Still, there is also an energy that connects the people of Boston, London, and Cape Town. Yes, we have air, but it’s deeper than that. This energy allows instant connection and communication between two people on opposite sides of the earth.
Remote Viewing
A fantastic representation of how this divine energy of intelligence works is demonstrated with an exercise called “remote viewing.”
Years ago, I experienced remote viewing in a workshop, illustrating this intelligent connection. The workshop facilitator showed the class a sealed envelope that contained a photograph, and the class was instructed to draw a picture of what was in the photo. Not until after everyone had drawn their picture was the sealed envelope opened and the photograph revealed. Naturally, most students shook their heads in disbelief that anyone would “guess” what was in the photograph, yet about five percent of the students drew a recognizable depiction of what the camera had captured.
Even better, remote viewing is not limited to photos inside envelopes. Serious remote viewers can identify what a person is looking at across the world. For example, a person in England can look at a natural scene or architectural structure, while someone in the United States can draw what the person in England sees. While it seems out of this world, people have been doing this with amazing accuracy for decades. It is so effective that even the CIA has researched and experimented with this ability.
Naturally, some people are better at remote viewing than others, just as with psychic and mediumistic abilities. However, my point in discussing remote viewing in this article is to illuminate the energetic “connection” between all things. The fact that anyone can communicate telepathically in this manner is evidence that this spiritual web, universal intelligence, or life force exists. Once we recognize its existence, we are better prepared to utilize it.
Intention vs Attention
Now that we’ve identified the conduit (energy) that carries information, let’s examine how intention and attention communicate within this energetic field.