Can My Deceased Loved One See Me in the Shower and Bedroom?
Also answering if our loved ones in spirit get jealous when we find new love.
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My wife, Melissa, recently gave me tickets to see medium John Edward at a public demonstration of mediumship. I hadn’t seen John since 2014 when he so kindly announced his appreciation for my book, Answers About the Afterlife, to the audience. My book had just been released, so I was surprised he was even aware of it, never mind read it.
One thing I noted during John’s event last week was that the questions from the audience were quite simple and fundamental, which I noticed because my articles tend to go deeper. It made me think that I should add what I might consider basic questions into the mix instead of always answering the bigger afterlife questions, as I do in my articles about suicide, hell, and religion that I’ve covered on Bob Olson Connect.
One question that was asked at this event was whether our loved ones in spirit can see us in the shower. Another person asked a similar question about the bedroom. So I thought I’d tackle this subject today.
It’s ironic that most of us take comfort in knowing that our deceased loved ones are aware of all that is happening in our lives until we think about them being in the bedroom or bathroom. She can’t see me in the shower, can she? Can he see me in the bedroom with my new boyfriend? Suddenly, we’re wishing there was an ethereal curtain we could pull to ensure our privacy.
In fact, Melissa asked me this same question early in my investigation into the afterlife. We had just spent a long day with five mediums where we met with them to attend a two-hour medium demonstration together. One was a respected teacher of other mediums from England and another was a celebrated spirit artist (a medium who draws the spirits she sees) who I met for the first time that day. The other three were students of these teachers, mediums with only a few years’ experience. After the event, we enjoyed a three-hour lunch together where the five mediums told stories, answered my ceaseless questions, and we all laughed until our bellies ached. Mediums can be a fun bunch.
Since Melissa and I had spent the day steeped in compelling evidence that our consciousness survives death, Melissa told me on the drive home that she was now wondering if her deceased loved ones could see her in the shower. I chuckled at first, then I got to thinking about it and became somewhat troubled by the idea myself.
Melissa asked me this remarkably common question two years into my new calling as an afterlife investigator, so I’ve written this article to share with you what I’ve learned about the answer in the subsequent twenty-four years of my investigation into life after death.