Bob Olson is the host of Afterlife TV, author of Answers About The Afterlife and The Magic Mala, and founder of You’re reading his articles on Bob Olson Connect.
Most people think of a human lifetime as beginning when we’re born and ending when we die. I know that when my father died in 1997, I thought of his death as an ending. Because I had not yet begun my investigation of the afterlife, I assumed that the end of our human life meant the end, period—lights out.
From that naïve perspective, one might think that death is a get-out-of-jail-free card, meaning there’s no accountability once we’re gone. I believe that some people who take their lives to escape the consequences of their actions erroneously think this is true. I have learned that this accountability is half the purpose of living a human life. We, as spiritual beings, learn from it.
Once I investigated life after death, I discovered that death is not an ending—that consciousness survives death. This means our spirit leaves our body here in the physical dimension and returns home to the spiritual dimension. This taught me that death is just the beginning of a second phase of life. Said another way, our physical death is just the beginning of the second half of the story. With this paradigm shift, the first half of life is our human experience from birth to death. The second half of life is our spiritual experience after death, during which we witness the ripple effects of our physical lifetime.
I’ve come to refer to this concept as “the second half of life.” When looking at a spirit’s human journey, the first half involves the experiences our spirits have inside our bodies. The second half involves the experiences our spirits have in the spiritual realm after we die. This article explores the second part, including what it means to someone who has died and what it means to us while we live.
The Second Half of Life Begins at Death
I’ve written about what happens after physical death in other articles. I’ll give you a brief version here: We die. We see our dead body. We’re met by a spirit guide who emanates intense love, comforting us to feel safe. We find ourselves moving through a tunnel of light that draws us back home to the spirit world. The closer we get to the bright light of home, the more love and joy we feel. Before we know it, we are greeted by deceased loved ones who have come to celebrate our human lifetime and our return home. Once this reunion is complete, we experience a life review, witnessing our imprint on people and the world due to our past behavior.