Bob Olson is the host of Afterlife TV, author of two books, Answers About The Afterlife and The Magic Mala, and creator of the reputable directory of psychics and mediums,
The holidays are a time when dearly departed loved ones are at the forefront of our minds. We miss them. We have fond memories of them. We feel the void they have left in our hearts and homes. Even hanging ornaments, setting dinner tables, and buying gifts can trigger a steady stream of thoughts about our loved ones in spirit.
People in spirit recognize that this is a trying time for their surviving loved ones here on the physical plane, so they attempt to contact us to remind us that they exist, they are with us, and they love us. They use numerous methods to communicate their presence, most commonly by sending us signs and signals (after-death communications—ADCs). Still, one key ADC known to millions is a “dream visitation.”
Did you know that dreams are a common means of communication with our loved ones who have crossed over? Too often, we shrug off these meaningful messages from the spirit world as being a meaningless dream. Yet dream visitations are one of the easiest ways for deceased loved ones to convey messages to us. In many cases, we will feel the presence of the spirit visiting us in the dream. And in most cases, they will provide us with an important message to comfort our grief.
According to Bill and Judy Guggenheim, who gave us the term “after-death communication” in their book Hello from Heaven, a dream visitation falls under the category of ADCs. This article provides independent attention to dream visitations because so many people experience the subject, and it has such a grief-comforting impact that it deserves its own analysis.