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You’ve probably heard of a past-life regression, but have you heard of a life-between-lives (LBL) regression? A past-life regression is where you recall a past life while in a hypnotic (meditative) state of mind. A life-between-lives regression is when you continue the regression after your death in that past life and continue into the spirit world—the afterlife (also known as the life between lives).
My wife, Melissa, had an LBL regression several years ago. It was a three-and-one-half-hour experience. In this transcript below, you’ll have the privilege of reading about the past life she visited to begin the experience and then her experience going into the afterlife following that lifetime as a guy named Jesse. I use the word privilege because this is a private and sacred experience that Melissa has generously agreed to share with you. It was also one of the most spiritually enlightening experiences of her life.
I have edited the transcript a little bit to make it easier to read. When a conversation is transcribed onto paper, it doesn’t always make sense when reading it. The minor edits I made were necessary for clarity.
I added the audio of the actual recording of Melissa’s regression below this transcript on this page, so I won’t add a podcast recording of this on Bob Olson Connect. It’s better if you hear the recording in Melissa’s voice.
I reduced the three-and-one-half-hour recording down to an hour by removing the quiet spaces where the regressionist, Nancy, waited for Melissa to respond to her question. It’s amazing to me how much patience a regressionist needs during these experiences.
I’ve had this experience myself, and time stands still while you’re experiencing it. I had no idea how much time it took me to respond to the questions. Listening to my recordings of my regressions later, I learned that three minutes might pass between the regressionist’s question and my answer. From my perspective, I really didn’t want to answer the questions because they felt like an interruption of my experience. So I gave the most basic answers without any extra detail to simply stay with the experience without any added interruption. Melissa, as you’ll notice below, did the same. Yet, as you’ll experience by reading this, the simplicity of the answers adds to the profoundness of the wisdom coming through.
Thousands of people who have heard this recording commented that Melissa’s experience made them feel a sense of peace that they’d never known before. Many people said they listened to it two or three times because of this, which is why I’m excited to share this transcript with you. Hearing the recording is amazing, yet reading it allows one to experience it in a new way. I recommend you listen to the recording too if reading the transcript moves you in the way it has touched other people.
Here's the transcript. Enjoy!
Nancy: And be there now in that other time that other place, and take a look around and notice if are you inside or outside?
Melissa: Outside.
Nancy: And what’s the environment outside?
Melissa: Snow.
Nancy: It’s snow.
Melissa: Mountains.
Nancy: Mountains.
Melissa: Rocky.
Nancy: Are you in the mountains or are the mountains a distance away?
Melissa: In the mountains.
Nancy: You’re in the mountains, yes. And notice how you’re dressed to be here in the snowy mountains.
Melissa: Furs. Furs.
Nancy: You’ve got furs. And notice if are you are male or female?
Melissa: Male.
Nancy: You’re male. And at the count of three, you’re going to know your age. One, two, three, and how old are you there?
Melissa: Fifteen.
Nancy: Fifteen. And now at the count of three you’re going to know your name, your name will simply come to mind. One, two, three and what’s your name? What are you called?
Melissa: Jesse.
Nancy: Jesse. And Jesse, tell me about yourself what kind of a young man are you?
Melissa: Strong.
Nancy: You’re strong. And how are you strong, in what ways?
Melissa: Physically strong.
Nancy: Physically strong, yeah. And what is it that you do that made you so physically strong?
Melissa: Climbing, working, hunting.
Nancy: Yes. And what is it that you’re doing out here today in the snow?
Melissa: Climbing.
Nancy: What are you climbing for?
Melissa: The view.
Nancy: Yes, so what’s special about the view?
Melissa: I can see everything.
Nancy: Yeah. And what’s that like to be able to see everything?
Melissa: It’s beautiful.
Nancy: Yeah. And why do you see as you’re out there, as you’re up reaching where you’re going, and you look out what’s the best out there?
Melissa: Sky, clouds, mountains, trees, water.
Nancy: Yes. And do you climb here often?
Melissa: Yes.
Nancy: Yes, and what is it about being here and seeing everything that’s so special? Why’s this meaningful to you to be able to see everything?
Melissa: I feel connected.
Nancy: Yes. And what is it that you’re connected to?
Melissa: Everything, everyone, every animal, everything.
Nancy: Yes. And so, Jesse, I want you to move back through this day now, and move on through the day, at the count of three, at the evening meal. And be there now with who you live with, or your evening meal. One, two, three and be there now, and what’s that like? Describe that scene?
Melissa: [Words inaudible] there’s a fire in the fireplace, and then a cabin type of thing.
Nancy: And who else is there?
Melissa: Dogs.
Nancy: Dogs, yes. Are there any people or do you live alone?
Melissa: I live alone.
Nancy: And how is it that you’ve come to live alone?
Melissa: I lost my parents.
Nancy: And how have you survived since you lost your parents?
Melissa: Using the gifts that I was given before they died.
Nancy: Yes. And what’s it like for you living alone at this young age?
Melissa: Lonely at times, but free to move as I wish.
Nancy: And, Jesse, at the count of three, you’re going to know the geographical location where you live, where you reside. One, two, three, and where do you live, where are you?
Melissa: West.
Nancy: You’re in the West. Yeah, and at the count of three you will know the year, the dates that you’re in. One, two three, and what’s the approximate dates? What year is it?
Melissa: Nineteen hundreds.
Nancy: And so, Jesse, I want you to move on because I want you to understand that, of all your lives, this is the life you’ve chosen to go back to. And of all the days, you arrived at this day, when you’ve been out climbing and seeing the beauty. I want you now to move further into your 20s, or 30s, or 40s, but move to a significant time in that life, at the count of three. One, two, three, and be there now and how old are you there?
Melissa: Fifty-one.
Nancy: Fifty-one, and what’s happening at fifty-one?
Melissa: Quiet.
Nancy: It’s quiet. And are you well and healthy, are you ill, or why is it so quiet there?
Melissa: It just seems dark and quiet. I don’t feel ill. I don’t feel in pain. It’s just quiet and dark.
Nancy: So, I want you to move a little bit before this time to find out what the quiet and dark is all about. Move back to the day before. Just take in a breath and move back before you ended up in this quiet dark space. What’s happening there?
Melissa: I fell.
Nancy: Yes, you fell. And what happened when you fell?
Melissa: I fell far.
Nancy: Yes, were you high up?
Melissa: Yes.
Nancy: Yes, and when you fell, what did you fall into?
Melissa: Rocks.
Nancy: Yes, and did you die in that moment or did you live through that?
Melissa: No, I died.
Nancy: Yes. So, allow yourself then to move through falling into the rocks and release the body. Take a breath and release the body. And be there now above the body, and what are your first thoughts? What’s your first awareness as you realize that your life came to quite a sudden ending? What’s that like?
Melissa: I see myself.
Nancy: Yeah, and as you see yourself down below.
Melissa: I’m floating.
Nancy: Yes. And notice how that floating feels.
Melissa: Free, [inaudible words].
Nancy: Yeah. Be there now. It’s so free. And what are your first thoughts as you realize you’re free and that life is over?
Melissa: I’m amazed at the lightness, feeling of weightlessness.
Nancy: Yeah. And how do you feel about your death, as you look down, feel this lightness, and realize it’s over? How do you feel about that sudden ending?
Melissa: Fine. It’s not sad.
Nancy: Before we move further away from your body and begin to follow your journey back home, do you remain longer, do you say goodbye to someone or is there any unfinished business that you attend to?
Melissa: No. I’m ready to take off.
Nancy: Ready to go. And so, as you begin to leave your body knowing that very soon you’re going to be receiving divine help and releasing all the remaining residual energy from your physical life, you’ll be returning home. So moving away from your body. Begin to experience that sensation and notice, do you move quickly or slowly?
Melissa: Fast.
Nancy: Is there any kind of pulling sensation or not?
Melissa: Like I’m in control.
Nancy: Yes. So move and experience what that’s like, as you leave moving fast. Notice the view or notice if you’re looking upwards. Experience that trip home. You’ve been this way before. And let me know when you’ve come to that place where you stop.
Melissa: I stopped.
Nancy: Yes. And notice as you stop, is there any presence there, is there anyone with you, or are there lights off in the distance? What’s it like there?
Melissa: It’s a combination of light and dark.
Nancy: Yes. Just be there, and notice if you feel something or notice or sense a light, a presence, a being near you, or off in the distance coming towards you, or if you begin to move towards a light?
Melissa: I’m moving towards something.
Nancy: Yeah. So just keep moving and knowing that you’re continuing to move deeper and deeper into the consciousness of the afterlife. As you move toward something, describe what that is. As you get closer and closer, what is it that you’re moving towards?
Melissa: It’s like a light.
Nancy: Yes, yeah. And notice if there is a feel, a sense to it, as you get closer and closer.
Melissa: I’m feeling cold now.
Nancy: Yes and notice if that essence, that light begins to interact with you at all. Is it separate from you? What’s that like as you begin to feel more whole?
Melissa: It’s feeling more encompassing.
Nancy: Yes. And so just breathe it in, give it all of your attention, and notice what that feels like.
Melissa: It’s feeling brighter.
Nancy: Yes, just keep being encompassed, breathing it in, noticing how it feels, as this essence, this light encompasses you. And as you’re continuing to become more and more your own essence, notice what happens with you. What does it feel like there?
Melissa: Peaceful.
Nancy: Yes, and notice if this feels familiar to you?
Melissa: Yes.
Nancy: Yes, it’s a space you’ve been in before. Just keep noticing as you’re more and more peaceful. What happens with your own essence as you feel brighter, noticing if your essence begins to change in any way.
Melissa: I just feel like a wave, a wave of something larger.
Nancy: And is that light essence still there with you?
Melissa: Yes.
Nancy: Yes. And notice is there any kind of communication with it, knowing it’s all telepathic, it’s just a knowing communication. Or is it simply just being?
Melissa: It’s being.
Nancy: Yes. So let yourself move through this wave of something larger. And then notice as you more fully return home to yourself. But at some point in time, you become ready to move on or something changes, something happens as you move into the next phase. Noticing what your essence is like. How would you describe yourself now?
Melissa: Whole.
Nancy: And is your essence kind of dense or is it more nebulous? Does it have shape or no shape, no color?
Melissa: No shape.
Nancy: No shape, just being. Yes. And I want you to know that as you continue on you’re going to continue to incorporate more and more fully your wholeness. Your sense of wholeness continues to grow as you move more and more fully into reuniting with yourself. And as that continues, I want you to begin then to move on, and do notice what happens next as you become more and more reunited with yourself becoming whole. What happens then? Does this light stay with you? Does it begin to withdraw? Do you become encompassed at all with it? What happens?
Melissa: Encompassed in all. It’s still there. I feel there’s someone else there.
Nancy: Yeah, there’s another presence there?
Melissa: It’s the light.
Nancy: Begin to become aware of that light. Does that light feel familiar, that other presence?
Melissa: Yes.
Nancy: Yes. And so what happens with this presence?
Melissa: We’re communicating.
Nancy: Yes. And what’s that communication about?
Melissa: We’re saying hello.
Nancy: And what’s it like to be back with this presence again?
Melissa: Joy, happy.
Nancy: Yeah. Really breathe it in and begin to remember who this presence is that you feel such joy to be back with. And who is this?
Melissa: Bob.
Nancy: And notice what it’s like to be back on the soul state with him. And what is it that the two of you communicate as you’re welcome back?
Melissa: Just joy.
Nancy: Yeah. And notice what the two of you begin to do if there’s more communication. Is there movement? If you go somewhere, do you just be? What is it that happens as you’re back together again?
Melissa: We’re moving to go see something on others.
Nancy: And the two of you go together?
Melissa: Yes, he’s taking me.
Nancy: So let him take you. Notice how it is to travel, to move as he’s taking you there? And who is it that you go to see?
Melissa: Others, no one in particular.
Nancy: And notice, are these others anyone you are familiar with?
Melissa: Yeah.
Nancy: And how do you interact with them?
Melissa: Well, with the same communication. So it’s as if one of them is communicating with me.
Nancy: And how many are there in that group?
Melissa: Six.
Nancy: Yup. And are these like friends and peers? Are they higher teachers? What level are they?
Melissa: Higher teachers.
Nancy: Yeah, and who are they? Who do you know them as?
Melissa: Friends, but elders.
Nancy: Yeah, they are your friends and yet they’re elders, those who know you, who are higher, so to speak, than you?
Melissa: Yes.
Nancy: And so, begin to notice what’s it like as you join them, as you’re there with them. What’s that like?
Melissa: Safe.
Nancy: Safe, yes.
Melissa: We kind of get down to business.
Nancy: Yeah. And how do you feel as you get down to business? How do you feel in their presence, besides safe? Do they greet you in some way? What’s their beginning communication?
Melissa: Friendly, warm, very warm.
Nancy: Yes, and so they start right off getting down to business, and what do they say? What’s that first communication that indicates that you’re getting right down to business?
Melissa: Their seriousness. But kind, like I’m here for a reason. Very loving.
Nancy: Yes, really breathe in their love, how very loving they are. And how does it begin? What do you begin first to talk about? Do they ask you something? Do they tell you something?
Melissa: They are asking me.
Nancy: What do they ask you?
Melissa: What I’d like to know.
Nancy: Yes, and so what do you tell them that you would like to know?
Melissa: Why I am Melissa? What I’m I here for?
Nancy: Yes, and how do they respond? What are you here for?
Melissa: To be Melissa. They’re funny.
Nancy: Yeah, they are very funny, aren’t they? And what else do they tell you about what that means, since that’s not quite enough?
Melissa: Well, they said, “See, we’re not that serious.”
Nancy: No. And so what else do they tell you? What is it that you’ve come to be and do this lifetime?
Melissa: Love. That seems too simple.
Nancy: So ask them to expound.
Melissa: It’s not complicated, they say.
Nancy: What are you trying to learn about love? What facets of love are you trying to learn in this lifetime?
Melissa: Giving and receiving, both are equally as important.
Nancy: And how do they think you’re doing with that?
Melissa: They gave me a thumbs up.
Nancy: And since you’re doing so well with that, what else would they love to see you accomplish in the area of giving and receiving?
Melissa: Express more, they say.
Nancy: What would that look like, what do they mean by that?
Melissa: Show more, it’s in writing. Show more, express more outwardly. I feel what that mean, but I’m having trouble putting it into words.
Nancy: But you understand it within you?
Melissa: Yes.
Nancy: Yes. And are you aware what they had expected you to be at this stage of your life? Are you ahead of where they might have expected or where you had planned, or behind? Where are you on your overall plan for this lifetime?
Melissa: He’s saying ahead.
Nancy: You’re ahead. And what is it that’s allowed you or enabled you to actually get ahead of what was perhaps planned?
Melissa: Bob.
Nancy: Yes. And how has he helped you?
Melissa: Expanded my consciousness, released emotional baggage that frees that up for me.
Nancy: So ask him, now, about the cancer. How did that fit into this plan for your life?
Melissa: Freedom.
Nancy: And how was it to be for freedom?
Melissa: Holding myself back for others, thinking I was doing it out of love.
Nancy: And what did you learn? What did they want you to know that was so important about what you learned?
Melissa: That by not holding myself back, thinking that that is giving love, that I actually free them and free myself at the same time.
Nancy: Yes. And was the cancer part of the plan from the beginning? Was it one of the options, was it definite? How did the cancer fit in before this life happened, the planning for this life as Melissa, how was the cancer apart of it?
Melissa: It was planned.
Nancy: Yes, it was all planned. And did you go through it as planned or better than planned or...?
Melissa: As planned.
Nancy: And is there anything else that they want you to know, any other lessons or anything else that you could get of value from the cancer?
Melissa: They are just saying let go.
Nancy: And what do you let go of?
Melissa: That it might be still there.
Nancy: Let go of the fear?
Melissa: Yes.
Nancy: And can you ask them for help on how do you actually do that in the human mind?
Melissa: Trust, trust that I know the truth because at times I know, they said, the fear only comes occasionally.
Nancy: And what do they want you to do or to know when the fear comes occasionally?
Melissa: Breathe and know.
Nancy: Breathe and know, when it comes.
Melissa: They’re here, they’re with me, and that it’s just fear. No worries, they say that I often say.
Nancy: And what else do they want you to know about this life? There is often more than one purpose, the main one being love. What else is it that you’ve come in this lifetime to learn? What was the plan that you were planning out this lifetime? What else did you want to be challenged by or to learn, or grow, or achieve?
Melissa: Diversity, feeling different.
Nancy: And why did you want to learn what it’s like to feel different?
Melissa: To expand and be comfortable with that expansion.
Nancy: And how do they think you’re doing with that, with being comfortable with expansion of you being different than family and so many others?
Melissa: Good.
Nancy: And so ask them what that role, that loneliness plays at times, that you feel different than family and friends?
Melissa: Not sure, loneliness is freedom, they say.
Nancy: And how does that work?
Melissa: They’re restrained by the perception of others. They go hand in hand, it’s not negative. Though we perceive it as negative. It’s really the essence of us, of who we are in the human body.
Nancy: So, with the loneliness, looking back to that other life as Jesse, have them take you through that life. What was the purpose of that lifetime?
Melissa: To know loneliness, to know we can be in loneliness and be in life and still be happy.
Nancy: And as Jesse, were you happy?
Melissa: Yes.
Nancy: Did you ever marry in that lifetime?
Melissa: No.
Nancy: No, so you were really very alone and isolated.
Melissa: Had my dogs.
Nancy: You had your dogs. And notice that you’ve gone into that lifetime to know loneliness and that you did well. And so notice that in this lifetime, you bring in again the theme of learning about loneliness from a different point of view, a different facet. And what the bigger picture is for learning about loneliness is that it’s one facet of many lessons you’ve been learning about in different lifetimes. As Jesse, you were lonely in your surroundings. In this lifetime, you’ve felt lonely in your inner world, so to speak, of just being different, even while surrounded by loved ones. And so just seeing—learning—for yourself, that the bigger picture is learning about loneliness, how is that helping you to grow? And what is the bigger lesson in learning all about loneliness?
Melissa: To be free in my own thinking, my own thoughts, perceptions, to just be free in trust.
Nancy: Yes. Can you look back, can they help you look back a number of lifetimes? Was there a lifetime when you were afraid of the loneliness? Let yourself look back or perhaps you can go to the library, but go back to see the pathway that led to this over numerous lifetimes. What was it like in the other lifetimes?
Melissa: Dark.
Nancy: Yes.
Melissa: Not a good feeling.
Nancy: Not good. Look and see how you experienced loneliness then.
Melissa: Heavy, cold.
Nancy: And look to see if there was fear of it?
Melissa: Later lives.
Nancy: So later lives after that darkness, that real darkness, then you began to fear it.
Melissa: Mm-hmm.
Nancy: And then in these later lives?
Melissa: Embraced it.
Nancy: You have reason to be proud for how far you’ve come over lifetimes in that one facet of learning. And ask if there are other facets of lessons that you’ve come a long way in, that exists in this lifetime, something that’s there, but you’ve come so far with it. Ask them to point out another one that is important for you.
Melissa: Body, being in my body.
Nancy: So do any of those council members, knowing they speak as one, do they make any comments about your current state of advancement this time compared to your former lives?
Melissa: They say they are proud of me.
Nancy: Let that in and let yourself really experience what that’s like. And what do they want you to know that… is their message, their reason that you’re here with them today, something they want you to know.
Melissa: That everything is okay, everything will be okay, that they are always there if I need to access them.
Nancy: And is there any certain way that you can access them, or you are already doing it? Can they give you some insights so that you know you’re accessing them?
Melissa: I’m seeing that I’m doing it even though I don’t know that I’m doing it. In order for me to know that I’m doing it, meditation and music are the best ways of meeting them. But, again, I won’t need that anymore.
Nancy: Is there anything else they can tell you that you planned for this lifetime, that would help you to become more consciously aware of it? Any lessons or anything else that they want you to be aware of, that you’re doing and might not even be aware of?
Melissa: Good patience, keep doing what I’m doing. Keeping open and expanding, enjoy the ride. He’ll be back with us again, more patience, they are saying more patience may be needed, but I’m good at that.
Nancy: Are there any particular elders who have a certain expertise in any field that’s helpful to you?
Melissa: They say they all are.
Nancy: So, I ask if there’s anything else before we move on, anything else they want you to know, or anything else you would like to ask them?
Melissa: They just say continue to give love.
Nancy: And ask them why is it…because there’s no children in this lifetime, is that right or do you have children?
Melissa: No children.
Nancy: And ask them about that before you leave. Why is it that there’s no children in this lifetime? Is that part of the plan?
Melissa: Yes.
Nancy: And why is that?
Melissa: Because a mother’s love is different than loving someone who is not your child.
Nancy: And so what are you trying to learn about that type of love?
Melissa: That it can be as unconditional as a mother’s love. That it’s a connection, an interconnectedness of everyone, everything in the universe. And that, if I had children, I may have thought it was just because it was a mother’s love.
Nancy: So what is your most important individual characteristic as a soul that defines the real you? That, no matter what lifetime you come into this, is who you are, because you bring that characteristic with you?
Melissa: Strength, they say strength.
Nancy: And notice how that strength shows up, how you recognize the different qualities of strength that you have.
Melissa: Choice.
Nancy: And so, now being the essence as you’ve been in this afterlife for a time now, noticing your own soul essence, noticing your own beingness, the I Am that you are, and describe what that’s like?
Melissa: It’s a combination of everything: happiness, sadness, weakness, strength, lightness, darkness, heaviness, weightlessness, feels like everything. I can choose what I want to feel.
Nancy: Because it’s all there. So really be in that experience of all that you are, all the duality, all that’s contained within you. And really just experience it fully as the I Am that you are, and notice if that feels familiar in who you are.
Melissa: Yes.
Nancy: And recognize, when you feel that’s not your body, that’s you. That’s the you that continues on and that’s connected at all times to spirit. And so what is it that you actually do, so to speak, in between lives? How have you spent your time?
Melissa: I see myself not working but sharing and communicating with others, just one after the other, after the other, after the other.
Nancy: And what are you sharing and communicating about?
Melissa: Whatever it is they want to communicate.
Nancy: And so, what is it about you that does this well, that communicates and shares with others? What happens with them, with these other souls when they communicate with you what happens?
Melissa: We love and we cry and we hug and share love.
Nancy: And so, notice as you’re with them, and just sharing and being with them, what happens with their energy, their essence?
Melissa: Expands.
Nancy: And what happens with yours?
Melissa: It expands.
Nancy: And notice how naturally that happens with you. And are these souls that you know or are they souls that you don’t know? Is it a younger group, or is it more advanced?
Melissa: Well, they seem the younger, although not all of them.
Nancy: And have they been in the spirit world a while? Have they just come back? Is this an ongoing thing that you meet with them over and over. Become even more aware of the details of how you spend your time and what the interactions are about?
Melissa: I think they are new to the spirit world.
Nancy: They’ve just returned?
Melissa: Yes.
Nancy: Yes, and they have lots to share about, don’t they?
Melissa: Yes.
Nancy: Yeah, and notice how you feel towards them as they’re younger souls who’ve returned?
Melissa: Happy for them.
Nancy: Yes, and noticed that as you’re being with them, as you spent some time now just being with these souls and just sharing and communicating, and loving, and hugging... notice how natural that feels to you, doesn’t it? It’s just who you are. I want you to really notice you could not be you if you didn’t do that, could you?
Melissa: No.
Nancy: It’s a part of your core essence. And then notice how you do that same thing here on earth in your physical life, how you naturally do the same thing. And think nothing of it perhaps?
Melissa: Mm-hmm.
Nancy: And yet look at the difference you make on the spirit level with their energy. Where you can see them expand, where you got that visual energetic validation. And notice that that’s what happens on Earth, too. And so, then, as you’ve come in to give and receive love this lifetime, this is how you do it, you just be, don’t you?
Melissa: Yes.
Nancy: Yes, and the expansion is getting rid of everything in the way of you just being who you really are, to just be with them. And knowing that your presence has an impact on others, and asking your elders if they can show you anything more about that?
Melissa: They say it brings joy, too.
Nancy: Yes.
Melissa: Often others don’t know they are being expanded. So if they don’t know they are being expanded, they may not respond, react, or engage.
Nancy: Good, is there anything more about that?
Melissa: No.
Nancy: Just notice how good it feels, doesn’t it, when you’re just being you. It goes back to what they said earlier, it’s not complicated, is it?
Melissa: No.
Nancy: And so, notice that part of the earthly journey is to remember. Oh my goodness, it really isn’t complicated it, it really is this simple. We’re always looking for something so complicated for life lessons, and purpose, but it can be this simple, just be you loving.
Melissa: Don’t question if it is enough, they say.
Nancy: Not to question if it is enough?
Melissa: Yes.
Nancy: Because, what do they say, because that’s kind of human, isn’t it?
Melissa: Yes.
Nancy: Am I doing enough? Is it supposed to be more? And what do they tell you about enough?
Melissa: It’s not a good word.
Nancy: It’s not a good word at all.
Melissa: They’re getting funny again.
Nancy: Well, that’s good; it’s supposed to be fun isn’t it?
Melissa: Yes.
Nancy: So as you look back, and they can help you, which one of your most favorite past lives, as you look back through your history, through your past, bring to mind, they can help or…which past life is a favorite of yours?
Melissa: Actually, Jesse.
Nancy: And what made that one so special?
Melissa: All the exploring I did.
Nancy: So exploring, is that part of your soul’s nature?
Melissa: Yes.
Nancy: And so, how are you doing that this lifetime?
Melissa: Exploring the universe as opposed to the physical world.
Nancy: And so, when you’re in the spirit world, do you go exploring there?
Melissa: Yes.
Nancy: Yes. Now to do some of that, where is it you go exploring? Who do you go with? How is that for you when you’re so completely free in spirit? What’s that exploring like?
Melissa: Sometimes I explore just different feelings, like I think about feeling weightless and I am weightless. I think about feeling extreme joy and I feel that.
Nancy: It’s fun, isn’t it?
Melissa: Yes.
Nancy: Yes, and it’s so easy there, isn’t it?
Melissa: Yes.
Nancy: And then, notice how you can do that in the body as well. Maybe other than the weightless stuff, how can you bring that same exploring into the body?
Melissa: Probably do the same thing with my body.
Nancy: That when you felt your full self, that it was all there, and you get to choose what you want to feel?
Melissa: Right.
Nancy: So it’s the same thing in the body. Does it sound like freedom is important to you?
Melissa: Yes.
Nancy: And this is a way of being free. How else do you explore, and explore your freedom, or the whole exploration in the spirit world. Do you go different places?
Melissa: Yes, sometimes I want to be in out of space. Sometimes I want to be on Jesse’s mountain. I can be wherever I want to be.
Nancy: And so, who is it that you hang out with, who is it that, in between lives, you hang out with? Do you spend time alone with Bob with others?
Melissa: In this life?
Nancy: In the between lives, in the spirit world, what do you do with your time when you’re not—you know—welcoming and greeting and being with those younger souls. What else do you do?
Melissa: I hang out with people.
Nancy: Do you have a certain group? Or is it a lot of people? Or do you have a soul group of people?
Melissa: Hang with a lot of people.
Nancy: And what kinds of things do you do together?
Melissa: Communicate, we sometimes explore.
Nancy: And is it always these same people or does it change?
Melissa: Changes.
Nancy: Yeah, so what draws you to the different souls? What is it that has you hanging out with some and then others?
Melissa: Learning new things, being in different energies.
Nancy: Is that the way you enjoy changing, is that being in different energies with different people?
Melissa: Yes.
Nancy: So there’s no one thing that’s kind of in common with all these different ones?
Melissa: Playful.
Nancy: And notice how you play together, what’s some of the fun playful things that you do with these different groups?
Melissa: Not feeling as much as doing.
Nancy: It’s more being.
Melissa: Yes.
Nancy: Yeah, just being playful, just being. Part of the qualities of that being is playfulness.
Melissa: Yes.
Nancy: And so, do you spend time studying or are you beyond that? Or is it learning through these different groups?
Melissa: Yes, learning from these different groups, you don’t feel as if you’re studying.
Nancy: But it’s learning, growing, expanding, simply by being in the different energies?
Melissa: Mm-hmm.
Nancy: And so, what is it that then calls you to perhaps know that it’s time to do another lifetime? What goes on within you to know that it’s time?
Melissa: Hunger.
Nancy: And what is that hunger for?
Melissa: New.
Nancy: Hunger for something new?
Melissa: Yeah.
Nancy: And so, how? What happens next? When you’ve got this hunger, and there’s that knowing of I wanting something new, what happens next?
Melissa: I say, I’m ready.
Nancy: And so how does that planning happen?
Melissa: Instant.
Nancy: And what kinds of decisions get made in that instant decision that you’re ready? How does that planning happen? You meet with others, is that already planned, who has input?
Melissa: It’s already in place.
Nancy: And do you have input into the plans?
Melissa: My input has accumulated.
Nancy: So it’s not a one-time thing. It’s been going on as you’ve been in the spirit world.
Melissa: Right.
Nancy: Saying, oh I want this and this, and this, and that. And so that is how you become aware. How much do you get to know about what that next life will hold for you?
Melissa: Everything, you know everything.
Nancy: So, in coming into this current life as Melissa, why is it that you chose to be female?
Melissa: Gentleness.
Nancy: Yes, and you normally come in as female or as male a lot, or it is equal?
Melissa: Male a lot.
Nancy: And so, coming into this lifetime, why is it that your mother was chosen, or that you chose your mother?
Melissa: Many things.
Nancy: How does having chosen her play into your life purpose of giving and receiving love?
Melissa: She’s good at.
Nancy: She was good at love. Have you come into other life terms with her?
Melissa: Yes.
Nancy: Yes, do you do that often?
Melissa: Yes.
Nancy: Is it usually mother-daughter or there are different variations?
Melissa: Different variations.
Nancy: Has she passed over or is she’s still alive?
Melissa: She’s here. She’s alive.
Nancy: And so, what about your father, why did you choose him?
Melissa: Strength.
Nancy: Do you come in with him very often?
Melissa: No.
Nancy: And what about siblings. Why did you choose to come into a family with you being near the bottom, near the younger one, a larger family?
Melissa: To experience diversified love.
Nancy: And as that was all being planned out, what were your thoughts about the way the love would be expressed through all the different siblings in the family?
Melissa: I would experience love on many differing levels conditional, unconditional.
Nancy: And notice how all of that was meant to help. How was that all part of the bigger plan for your life?
Melissa: I definitely experienced having a lot of love, feeling lonely, and being around a lot of people but feeling the lonely dichotomy of it all.
Nancy: And so, noticing now from this higher wisdom, how is that all part of what you were wanting to experience?
Melissa: It’s going deeper.
Nancy: Yes. And notice with your siblings if there’s any of them that you’ve come in with before, or that you specifically really wanted to be a part of your life this time.
Melissa: My younger sister.
Nancy: Caroline, you’ve done lives with her before?
Melissa: Many.
Nancy: Do you often come in together?
Melissa: Yes.
Nancy: Is it usually sisters?
Melissa: Yes.
Nancy: Is she often the older or you will trade places a lot?
Melissa: We trade.
Nancy: And why is it that you two come in as sisters all the time?
Melissa: They’re saying twins.
Nancy: What did they mean by twins?
Melissa: Two halves of a whole, they say.
Nancy: So have them explain, what does that mean on a soul level?
Melissa: To stay interconnected.
Nancy: Yes. So when you are both new souls, new expressions, were you expressed like, so to speak, at the same time?
Melissa: No.
Nancy: So it’s not like physical twins who get born from the same?
Melissa: Right.
Nancy: So you’re twins in that your souls mirror one another?
Melissa: Reflections.
Nancy: Reflections. And why is it that you created this with your sister on the soul level?
Melissa: She can remind me and I can remind her.
Nancy: Yeah, it’s a great plan isn’t it?
Melissa: Yes.
Nancy: You get to live your own lives, your own journeys, but you are there to remind each other.
And then coming in choosing Bob as your husband, as the two of you coming in together again. So how often you do you come in together as husband and wife?
Melissa: Not often.
Nancy: And what’s the agreement this lifetime?
Melissa: Be each other’s teachers.
Nancy: You notice what it is that you teach?
Melissa: Unconditional love, patience, balance.
Nancy: Balance, yes. And then what does he teach you?
Melissa: Perseverance, self-worth, strength, and love, unconditional love.
Nancy: And nothing back in the other lifetimes in which you’ve come in with him, in different forms, husband-wife any relationship. If there are certain themes in those lifetimes of why you come in together.
Melissa: Always as different parts of a whole. So with the different aspects of us, life gets better as a whole.
Nancy: That’s wonderful. And then, in the spirit world, do you hang out together much?
Melissa: Yes.
Nancy: Yes. And notice together what you do in the spirit world, what kinds of things do you be or do together?
Melissa: We be.
Nancy: Just being. And notice then in the spirit world as the two of you were together, what… I want to say, what kind of… it’s like there’s something that happens... you make an impact then on the other. Same thing, two different parts fitting together as a whole on earth and lifetimes. How does that also work in the spirit world?
Melissa: We explore changing them up, taking the opposites, and choosing them, and see how they fit together. It’s almost like we’re experimenting from lives that we’re going to choose.
Nancy: Yes, try this on and see how that would fit in a life together.
Melissa: It seems more like our curiosity.
Nancy: Yeah, and notice it’s fun.
Melissa: Right.
Nancy: Part of you enjoying trying on different feelings and stuff. What would it be like to be like this? And then you get to play it out together.
Melissa: Right.
Nancy: And notice, because we haven’t spoken about a guide, do you have a guide or teacher who’s with you in spirit, or who has relevance to you when you’re in the body?
Melissa: No [inaudible words]
Nancy: And so, noticing and having that information, while you’re not experiencing one, do you tend to have a guide? Or why not, if not? Do you just go to your elders or what is it the kind of the hierarchy, so to speak, for guidance and help?
Melissa: I guess it would be a guide. A guide feels like an individual, but it’s not an individual.
Nancy: It’s made up of different beings.
Melissa: An energy with purpose.
Nancy: And how does that energy with purpose then help you? So there’s not a personality attached to it?
Melissa: Shows me thoughts and feelings, then validates them somehow for me. Showing me something in the physical world, so I can receive the information and believe and trust the information.
Nancy: And when you’re in the spirit world, are you ever aware of God or Source or Creator, or call it what you want? Are you aware of something higher?
Melissa: Yes.
Nancy: And what’s that like?
Melissa: It’s more the power. It’s in the interconnectedness of everyone in the spirit. So we have our smaller energies as individual souls, but the sense of a higher is really the interconnectedness of all that are there.
Nancy: And how does that then translate when you’re in the human body?
Melissa: You’re in a vehicle, more distant feeling but accessible, and there’s the day-to-day living in the human body that distracts from the connectedness.
Nancy: Whereas the spirit doesn’t have that distraction. Are you aware of it as a kind of constant in the spirit world?
Melissa: Yes.
Nancy: It just is.
Melissa: It just is.
Nancy: And then, noticing and comparing where it just is, it’s just constant, it’s there. It just is. And then noticing what it’s like there in the human body, where that is more distant. You’re noticing how that distance, even though it’s accessible, how that distance with this knowledge and experience can be diminished.
Melissa: Yes.
Nancy: So walk around and see if there is anything more that you want to experience, or if there’s anything else for your elders that they want to know.
Melissa: No.
Nancy: And notice if that feels complete.
Melissa: Yes.
Nancy: And so, knowing that what’s really important is that all that you’ve experienced, you really do bring back with you. As you come back, leaving that high realm of your soul in this beautiful existence in the spirit world between lives on earth, I want you to remember the loving world is always with you, it’s always accessible. And everything we’ve talked about—all your thoughts, your memories, your insights—will be retained to help and empower you as you complete the remainder of your current life, now with renewed energy, purpose, awareness, and insights.
And so, allow this all-knowing knowledge to settle calmly within your conscious mind, allowing it to continue to integrate. To feel completely whole, as a single person that’s you, your immortal self completely joined with your human self.
I hope you enjoyed this life-between-lives regression. You can now listen to the recording of this below. The video will begin where the transcript starts. Feel free to share. I look forward to your comments.
With love,
Bob Olson is the host of Afterlife TV, author of two books, Answers About The Afterlife and The Magic Mala, and creator of the directory of psychics and mediums, BestPsychicDirectory.com. His latest venture is Bob Olson Connect, where you can read Bob’s articles before they become books. View subscription options.
This was fascinating! Thank you to Melissa for sharing this experience! I wonder, is there a network of regressionists that we can contact to experience our own session?
Thanks for sharing Melissa’s experience. I remember listening to it on your podcast. But I very much enjoyed reading it. I would really like to have a regression & a LBL regression also. Someday I’m definitely going to do it. I bet the experience is invaluable!