The Question of Fate Versus Free Will
Understanding the connection between fate and free will. Which is more dominant? How much free will do we really have over our lives?
Bob Olson is the host of Afterlife TV, author of two books, Answers About The Afterlife and The Magic Mala, and creator of the reputable directory of psychics and mediums,
Do you ever wonder about fate versus free will? It’s a question that’s haunted me my entire life. How much free will do we really have? And how much of our lives are determined by fate—destiny? The story you’re about to read will share some insight I’ve gained regarding that question.
Before you read this story, I’ll admit I’ve come to believe in guides. By this, I mean some spiritual guiding force that nudges us toward the life we, as souls, choose to experience. You might call this force a guardian angel or even God. I think this force encourages us in multiple ways, including through our intuition (gut feeling), coincidence (serendipity), and messengers, which I’ve come to believe can be either humans or animals.
If you believe in a guiding force that nudges us, the question that follows is: What’s the purpose of these nudges? The answer isn’t that we’re ruled by free will or fate; instead, it’s somewhere in the middle. What makes more sense to me is that our souls choose a plan for our lives, but it’s our guiding force that nudges us toward that plan. Yet because we have free will, we can choose whether to be influenced by these nudges or to ignore them altogether.