Surprising Insights Discovered through Animal Communication
What we learn from communication with living and deceased pets.
Bob Olson is the host of Afterlife TV, author of Answers About The Afterlife and The Magic Mala, and founder of the directory of credible psychics, mediums, animal communicators, and intuitive practitioners,
The other day, I was talking with a friend and mentioned an animal communicator during the conversation. He asked me, “Is that real? Can people really communicate with animals?”
It takes conversations like these to remind me that I’ve been immersed in a world completely foreign to most people. This friend is fully aware of the work I do, including my directory of credible psychics and mediums, yet he still wasn’t aware that animal communicators are real. It made me realize that I haven’t directly discussed this subject here on Bob Olson Connect.
Animal communication is when a person connects with an animal's higher consciousness. Said another way, an animal communicator is someone who can connect with an animal's soul so that they can ask the soul questions and get answers.
Animal communicators can connect with the soul of any animal. Still, they are typically asked to communicate with pets such as dogs, cats, horses, bunnies, gerbils, ferrets, turtles, goldfish, and snakes.
It helps to think of animal communicators as mediums who specialize in animals. What’s fascinating yet confusing to many is that animal communicators can communicate with the souls of both living and dead animals.
Suppose you’re having an issue with your pet (your cat is peeing in your plants, for instance). In that case, having an animal communicator communicate with that pet's higher consciousness can be quite insightful in understanding why the cat is doing this.
My First Reading with an Animal Communicator
My first reading with an animal communicator happened about twenty years ago while my dog, Libby, was still alive. Melissa and I both attended the reading. The animal communicator’s name was Danielle.
Danielle began by directing her attention toward Melissa. “Libby says you’ve been telling her about the reading all week. She actually says you’ve been telling her over and over and over.” She chuckled as she relayed the information.
“That’s true,” said Melissa, laughing. “I wasn’t sure Libby understood, so I kept telling her every morning so she would be prepared.”
“She did understand you,” Danielle told Melissa with a smile. “She says that she understood you the first time you said it.”
After a bit of amusement at Melissa’s expense, I knew it was my turn to get picked on when Danielle gazed in my direction.
“Bob,” said Danielle, “Libby says you talk to her differently than most people talk to their pets.”
Oh boy, here it comes, I thought.
“She says you have a more business-like approach, which she likes. You tend to talk to her like she’s human.”
Wait, what? You mean I did something right? Apparently, Libby liked to be talked to like an adult, not a child.Danielle was correct on both messages. She had Melissa and I pegged regarding how we communicate with Libby.
Then Danielle said that Libby told her she gets two walks daily, which was accurate. “Libby says some walks are better than others because Bob is often in his head so much that he’s not present with her.”
I could sense the reading was turning around on me.
Danielle added, “Bob, you need to make a conscious effort to be present during these walks. Libby knows when you’re not fully present and you’re thinking about other things.”
She was right, of course. I caught myself at the end of many walks, realizing I’d been consumed in thought the entire time. I didn’t do it consciously. It was an automatic tendency to think about an article I was writing, a speech I would soon give, or a recent phone conversation replaying in my mind. At the end of these walks, it was like driving my car into the driveway and not knowing how I drove home. I recognized that I’d totally missed the journey while hypnotized by my thoughts.
When getting an animal communication reading with living pets, it's important to understand that the animal communicator connects with your pet’s soul, not the pet's mind. The cat that pees in your plants may not instinctively know why it’s doing it, yet its soul recognizes the reason behind its behavior. This distinction is small yet significant.
Animal Communicators also Connect with Deceased Pets
Because grief is a more compelling motivator for getting readings of animal communication than the pesky irritations of living pets, most people go to animal communicators to connect with their pets after death.
The process is the same. The animal communicator connects with the animal’s soul (higher consciousness). Of course, this is true for mediumship with humans as well. Once the spirit of the physical body has reunited with the soul in the spiritual dimension, the two are one. (For more about the connection between the spirit and soul, read this article.)
An experience that illustrated animal communication with the soul occurred when our dog, Libby, was euthanized. She was thirteen years old. She had been declining for weeks. She had spent the night on our bed but was too weak to stand up in the morning. A dear friend called a nearby vet who was willing to come to our house to assist with Libby’s transition. At 70 pounds, it would have been traumatic for her to be carried down a flight of stairs, into the car, and from the car to the vet hospital.
While waiting for the vet's arrival, Melissa called the same animal communicator, Danielle, who instantly connected with Libby’s higher consciousness. Danielle described the scene in our bedroom as told to her through Libby. She gave details of Libby’s position on the bed, with me holding her body and Melissa holding her head. Danielle conveyed these facts so we knew she was truly connected with Libby’s soul.
Danielle shared with Melissa and me that Libby understood what was happening and was fully tuned into our energies. She felt our love for her. She was aware of our sadness. More importantly, Libby reassured us that the choice to bring the veterinarian into our home was an act of compassion. As the vet arrived, prepared his equipment, and proceeded to euthanize Libby, Danielle continued to convey Libby’s love for us and her gratitude for the life we had provided her. It was a tearful, peaceful, and gentle scene as Libby closed her eyes and took her final breath.
It was intensely emotional, but Libby's communication changed how the moment was remembered. Even the vet’s assistant, whose face was covered in tears, was moved by the experience, as she could hear Danielle on the phone’s speaker.
Most fascinating was how Danielle could keep the connection going even after Libby’s spirit had clearly left her body. A few final words were spoken, Libby confirming that the vet’s assistance was helpful and appreciated. While it was clear that Libby’s physical presence had ended, Danielle’s communication proved that her consciousness remained with us, ultimately surviving death.
The Consciousness of Living Beings
While investigating the afterlife, I have discovered no evidence of a difference between human and animal consciousness. Humans and animals die, and their consciousness leaves their bodies to exist in the spiritual dimension—period.
In my experience, living animals have a much closer relationship to the afterlife than humans. Our pets can see spirits, so they are aware of their connection to the spiritual realm. They don’t fear death the way people do. Yes, they avoid it. They have an instinct to stay alive, but they do not fear death in the way that many human beings fear it. By all accounts from mediums and animal communicators, they accept death as part of the life cycle.
There is also no evidence of separate spirit worlds for human consciousness and animal consciousness. This is not to say that the possibility doesn’t exist for different vibrational levels of animal consciousness versus humans. We’re physically ill-equipped to fully comprehend many concepts about the afterlife. However, people in spirit regularly communicate via mediumship, dream visitations, and after-death communications that they are with their pets in the afterlife.
Because there isn’t a notable difference between the survival of human and animal consciousness, there isn’t a lot to say about animal communication beyond ordinary mediumship other than the fact that we’re dealing with animals rather than humans. This distinction, however, can add a new and insightful dimension to the evidence of animal communication. Here are a few eye-opening insights that we can gain from the distinction
Interesting Insights Gained from Communication with Deceased Pets
One: Telepathic Communication
First, many people are surprised to learn that the souls of animals can communicate with human beings (mediums). This matches what we learn from mediumship regarding telepathic communication. Whether it’s your French-speaking aunt in the spirit world or your dearly departed Labrador, there are no communication barriers in or from the spiritual dimension.
In addition to animal communication, I have observed this concept of telepathic communication being supported by mediumship, spirit contact with hypnosis, between-lives regressions, near-death experiences, out-of-body experiences, dream visitations, and deathbed visions.
Two: Animals Express Gratitude
The second distinction about animal communication that adds to our insight is that animals in spirit express gratitude for their human families and the life that family provided them. This, too, parallels messages from people in spirit through mediums. Some might erroneously assume that gratitude is only a human attribute, but this is a common message conveyed during readings with animal communicators.
Three: The Love We Feel for Animals Is Real
Third, many people don’t realize that the love they feel for their pet is as real as the love they feel for human beings, which means their grief is real, too.
Not everyone feels this level of connection with animals, but many do. This is not a claim that mourning the loss of a pet is equal to mourning a human loss. We know our pets have a limited life span, so we expect to experience their loss. But that doesn’t diminish the grief we feel for that loss. It is real, and it is profound.
For some folks, experiencing loss of love and companionship with a pet may be the only experience in their lifetime that teaches them about grief. I know that my childhood dog’s passing was my first experience with loss and mourning in my lifetime. I believe it prepared me for my grandfather’s passing a short time later when I turned ten.
Final Thoughts on Animal Communication
In my experience, pets play significant roles in human development. I would go so far as to say that they are our teachers, angels, and guides. Although we often view ourselves as their caretakers (which we are), it serves us to recognize them as spiritual beings who are in our lives to teach and guide us.
This awareness will help us identify how and why their behavior and idiosyncrasies exist. In most cases, their behavior leads us toward lessons and experiences that will help us grow. Our response to their behavior often teaches us about ourselves.
While animal communication with deceased pets can help comfort our grief, I advocate for animal communication with the living to bring awareness of what your pet is trying to teach you. We often identify the behavioral issues of our dogs and cats, but how often do we ask ourselves how those issues might reflect our own issues? The answer might help us transform our own lives, in which case it’s not uncommon that our pet’s problems often go away with our personal growth.
In my first reading with animal communicator Danielle, she told me, “Libby’s soul contract with you, Bob, is to keep you in the present moment. She often takes you out of thought by walking over to you just long enough to get your attention. Then she walks away.”
It was true. Libby would often awaken me out of my thinking comas by walking up to me at my desk. If she couldn’t get my attention, she would bark at me. Libby had a bark that could shake your core. I always laughed when she did this. She would bark at me, then turn and walk away, like she was saying, “Okay, I snapped you out of it. Now I’m going back to sleep.”
If you’re a pet owner, I hope this article was helpful to you. I will add that no two animal communicators are alike, just like no two psychics or mediums are alike. For this reason, it can be helpful to experiment with different practitioners as time and resources allow. I’d love to hear about your own experiences in the comments.
PS, If you’re a pet lover, you might want to read: Will I See My Pet Again in the Afterlife? If you’re looking for an animal communicator, visit Bob’s directory.
Bob Olson is the host of Afterlife TV, author of Answers About The Afterlife and The Magic Mala, and creator of the reputable directory of psychics, mediums, animal communicators, and intuitive practitioners, His latest venture is Bob Olson Connect, where you can read Bob’s articles before they become books.
Bob, we had a Basenji named Jennifer for almost 19 years. After reading your article, I now realize Jennifer communicated with us, telepathically. For example, I'd be snoozing in my lazy boy and get awoken by mental stimulation. There she was, staring at me wanting to go out for a bathroom run. It was scary. Your experience validates that animals have similar souls. Thanks for the story.
Bob, I too had a reading from Danielle and also took a battery of classes from her around five years ago. I love communicating with animals and have learned they are often much wiser and more connected to spirit than we are. Thanks for the great article.