Do you have information about the concept of Soulmates? Is there one other that we bond and mate with and stay with and come back with? One we connect with better than all and prefer above all. Or are romantic relationships limited to the physical world but when we cross over we no longer feel the same intense connection that lead us to believe we are soul mates?

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Hi Sabrina, there's more truth to the idea of soul groups than soul mates, a group of souls whom we tend to experience multiple lives with. In one life, a soul will be your mother and you will be the son. In the next life, you might be married. In another lifetime, you will be friends. In yet another, you might choose to be enemies. We do this with a group of souls, constantly exchanging roles and relationships. Is there one with whom you might be romantic with on both sides--here and in the spiritual dimension? I think your instincts are correct in that romance tends to be a human concept, but intimacy in the spirit world is so much more exhilarating than we can possibly understand. So, while it might not be romance as we know it, it can be a deep relationship beyond anything we're capable of fathoming. I hope my answer is more helpful than confusing. Good question.

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