Thank you for sharing this article. I needed the reminder that what we focus on expands. Time to check in with my Spirit Guides! 💫

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You're most welcome, Deborah! We all need it from time to time. It's just too automatic to begin thinking about what we don't want to expand. Yet, with practice and maybe a Post-It Note here and there, we can focus on the circumstances, events, and even the people we most want to welcome (and even keep) in our lives. Thanks so much for your comment.

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Thank you for the 5 ways to communicate. I try to follow them everyday, but forget to appreciate how grateful I am for my health, family and friends.

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I hear you, Donna. As I wrote this, I thought to myself, "This is a good reminder to myself, because it's so easy to get caught up in life and forget." I appreciate your comment.

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