I, too, love Kyle Gray’s Angels and Ancestors oracle cards. I tend to think they chose me instead of my choosing them.

On another note, speaking of choices, my belief system encourages me to pray that a person's chosen pre-life plan be fulfilled, rather than for a particular outcome. Namaste, Bob.

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Hi Janet, I fully agree that those cards chose you. I often say the same about mala beads.

Praying for a person's pre-life plan to be fulfilled is a fantastic intention! That's wisdom right there. This is especially true considering how tricky it can be to pray for outcomes. For example, if we pray for one team to win, we're essentially praying for the other team to lose. Ironically, the team that loses tends to gain more in terms of life lessons and growth. I talked about this concept in my article: As Luck Would Have It: A Los Angeles Carjacking https://bobolsonconnect.com/p/as-luck-would-have-it-a-los-angeles

Best wishes to you, Janet!

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Hi Bob, I feel your loving vibes in every article, interview and podcast you express. I am very grateful I came across your energy shortly after the transition of Janis, my wife (69 years old), Bill, my Dad (83 years old) and Jake, my dog (17 years old). All three transitioned several weeks apart last year in 2023. Your work and the gifts of others have lessened my load. It is with much appreciation! PS - Your directory of evidential mediums has become an equal blessing for me! Thank you!

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Wow, Mark, that's a lot of loss in one decade, never mind one year (and weeks apart). Thank you for that acknowledgment that what I'm doing is helping people. Means a lot. I wish I could do so much more, like take your pain away altogether, but we know that's not how life works. Feel free to let me know if there's anything I can do.

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Another thoughtful article! Thanks Bob. This question came to me yesterday while meditating and no better people than you and Melissa to ask. Q: Since the eternal realm is what only exists and the material realm is nothing more than an illusion steeped in a very long history of fear-based memories and as the tonal frequency of the planet becomes much more elevated in the next few decades with the material realm resetting itself without most structures of fear, do you think it will be possible for future generations to freely and readily communicate with departed loved ones and other spirit energies without the aid of an evidential medium, mystic, channeler or even a smartphone device? Perhaps these are just a few of so many other possibilities that await future generations and those of us on the periphery experiencing some of the subtle changes now. I can't help but feel the optimism in the planet's future!

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Thank you, Mark, because I love your optimism. I share it with you. Yes, Melissa and I both feel that the changes we're witnessing are not the world going to hell in a hand basket, but rather, as you said, a reset. Things often look like they're getting worse before they get better.

As to some of these energetic shifts leading to more people connecting to frequencies for communication with deceased loved ones, group entities, even infinite intelligence, I do believe it's true. Even in my work, I have seen SO many more people develop mediumship abilities than I ever thought was possible back in the late 1990s. I've now realized that if someone is drawn to learning how to tap into their dormant psychic or mediumistic abilities, they simply need to find a teacher who can help them recognize it within themselves, learn how to best fine-tune it, and then practice, practice, practice.

Thank you for mentioning this with your inspiring optimistic outlook. I think the world needs people who think like you to spread this positive message, if for no other reason than the fact that fear leads folks to make poor choices in life (which means that the opposite is also true--optimism leads toward wise and empowering choices). Thanks for being a voice of inspiration!

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Bob, thanks for another very timely article. I’ve always wanted to have as a part of my spiritual practice something I do *every single day* to anchor the day. I’m still not quite there yet, but I have picked up the first mala I bought and I’m doing the same mantra of “thank you for the blessings” thanks to one of your earlier blog entries! it seems to cover just about every aspect of life and I feel like I’m talking directly to my guides. In the evening as I go to bed, I try and remember to be in gratitude, but I often just fall asleep after I read. Maybe that’s where I can start a better nighttime ritual.

I’ve done tarot cards for over 40 years, and I also have quite a few oracle decks that I really like. I usually intuit which deck to pick. I often read for friends, or sometimes spontaneously pick a card for them for the day, and send them a snapshot of it. Most times those cards seem to resonate for what my friends are going through. My girlfriends and I pair up at new year and we each do a year ahead reading for each other.

I also have a couple of different practice groups for psychic abilities, and Mediumship, which is always fun. I always have good connections with the people there, good discussions, and good practice sessions. I feel like practice groups are partly what I would call technical maintenance and brushing up as an active part of my spiritual practice.

I often use a pendulum if I can’t make up my mind and I’ve come up with some really fun ways to use it. I might write three or four different options, each on a separate piece of paper. I crumple up each piece of paper into a wad. And then I asked the pendulum is that a yes or a no for this option with each option. But that’s really just for decision-making or a possible direction to head. I don’t know if that’s really part of the spiritual practice or not. Is it? I think anytime I use my intuition or the unseen world’s energies that’s part of a spiritual practice.

I also try and reach out to other people psychically to see if they are OK such as people that I am friends with or related to that may be going through a tough time. Then I send them love, or I sometimes write them a letter or give them a call.

I also use intuition or psychic abilities to find out the best way to treat the day. That often seems to work well. Do I need to run errands? How does that feel? Do I sit at the torch and create some glass goodies? How does that feel? Do I do some yard maintenance? How does that feel. And so on. The answer usually comes in my body somewhere with a good feeling (yes) or no feeling at all (neutral) or maybe an uncomfortable feeling (no).

I don’t know which of these things is really a spiritual practice. Maybe all of them are? Anyway thanks for the fun blog entry and you really got my mind going, in a hood way. ;-)

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Hi Patty, I personally consider all those as spiritual practices, some more formal (like the New Year's tarot readings and medium circles) and some more in line with what I referred to as mini-practices that we can do briefly throughout the day (like your pendulum use and intuitive work for creating your day--fantastic!). Thank you for sharing these, giving us thoughtful examples of what a spiritual practice can look like. Like I wrote, there's no right or wrong. What's important is that we have practices in our lives that remind us of our connection to Divinity/God/Guides/Deceased Loved Ones. Your contribution here is extraordinary, and I'm grateful that you took the time to write about them.

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Thank you for the reply, Bob. Yep I have tons of time on my hand because I’ve been retired for a year now, so I have acres of time in which to write volumes, lol. But also being retired means I can concentrate on the things I love most, and the one thread that runs through everything is spirituality, and all things related to spirit.

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