Bob Olson is the host of Afterlife TV, author of Answers About The Afterlife and The Magic Mala, and founder of You’re reading Bob Olson Connect, where you get to read his articles before they become books.
In the first fifteen years of my investigation of the afterlife, Melissa and I attended dozens of medium demonstrations hosted by famous, not-so-famous, and not-yet-famous mediums, including John Edward, James Van Praagh, John Holland, Maureen Hancock, Gordon Smith, Lisa Williams, and a list of names you probably wouldn’t know. A medium demonstration is when a medium gives readings from stage to an audience ranging from thirty people to thousands.
In nearly every one of these events, often after the medium gave ten minutes of messages to an audience member, that person would ask the medium if the spirit in attendance forgave them. And in every case—without exception—the spirit told the medium they forgave them.
When a person dies and returns home to the hereafter, they see the bigger picture of human interaction. They recognize why you said and did certain things, not just what you said or did. Because of this enhanced perspective and their freedom from the physical ways of being (including the ego), they always find it in their heart to forgive. Forgiveness is an act of love, and our loved ones in spirit always act out of love.
In most cases, our emotional reactions are motivated by past experiences with other people. If a woman suddenly gets angry with her husband for forgetting her birthday, for example, her anger might stem from memories of her parents forgetting to pick her up after school when she was seven years old. There she sat waiting for hours, scared and alone, possibly interpreting the mishap as her parents not loving her. And if this experience happened multiple times during her childhood, it could affect her relationships later in life.
Thirty years later, when her spouse forgets her birthday for the third time, she reacts in a way that drives a wedge in their relationship. Subconsciously, the husband’s forgetfulness leads her to believe he doesn’t love her. She doesn’t know her childhood trauma of being forgotten by her parents is why her reaction to his carelessness is so strong. Even though he’s a wonderful husband in every other way, his neglect regarding birthdays and anniversaries seems inexcusable. To shield herself from the pain she recalls from her childhood, she eventually divorces him.
When the ex-husband passes and is now in spirit, he sees with clarity why his former wife responded the way she did to his forgetfulness. He not only understands, but he also has deep compassion for her. As a result, he forgives her wholeheartedly.
As you probably know, forgiveness is less about letting the other person off the hook than relieving oneself of suffering. When you carry the weight of blaming someone with contempt, it is your burden. But when you release them of that blame and contempt, you release yourself from holding that negative energy inside you, which raises your overall vibration of love.
Our loved ones in spirit know this better than we do. And because they are beings of light and love, they are not equipped to hold the lower energies of anger, blame, and contempt. They forgive us because it is not in their nature not to forgive.
They also forgive us because of what I’ll call our human ignorance—we don’t know what we don’t know. To people in spirit, we are like children with much to learn. This is not our fault. It’s the nature of being human. Just as we forgive children for hurtful words or actions because they don’t know any better, our loved ones in spirit forgive us for the same reason.
With love,
PS, If this article hits home for you, you might benefit from reading my article about the second half of life.
Bob Olson is the host of Afterlife TV, author of Answers about the Afterlife and The Magic Mala, and creator of the top directory of psychics, mediums, and animal communicators, This is Bob Olson Connect, where you can read Bob’s articles before they become books.
That’s good to know. I’ve been following you since you made your first list of mediums. I appreciate you, and especially like that you started as a skeptic. I’m surprised you didn’t name George Anderson. Thank you!