The Aura Effect
How thoughts, music, and other people affect our energy fields—and how our energy fields affect the world.
Bob Olson is the host of Afterlife TV, author of Answers About The Afterlife and The Magic Mala, and founder of the trusted psychic and medium directory,
In the summer of 2000, after investigating the afterlife for only three years, I had my first experience with a spiritual counselor named Trish Whynot. She wasn’t an expert on life after death, but I was curious about her use of meditation in her practice. At the time, the only experiences I had with meditation always precipitated me falling asleep. Despite my reason for experiencing a session with Trish, she showed me something I had never seen before.
Trish and I were talking about energy, which led her to bring up the subject of auras. I admitted that I wasn’t convinced that auras were real, upon which Trish walked over to a table and picked up a pouch. She pulled the strangest-looking metal contraption I’ve ever seen from the pouch, which she called an “aura meter.”
Trish showed me her aura meter. It had a handle attached to a very sensitive spring, which was then attached to a metal pointer. She walked to the far end of the room with this gadget, pointing it at me as I sat on a sofa. She slowly walked toward me, explaining that the pointer would rise in the air when it hit my energy field—my aura. She said it would act as if the outside wall of my aura created a resistance that pushed this sensitive instrument upward and backward. I sat there skeptically, waiting to see how Trish would unconsciously manipulate the aura meter to do what she wanted.
When she got about seven feet away, the pointer began to push upward and backward as if she were pushing it against a cement wall. She carefully stepped back, and the aura meter slowly returned to its original position. She did this a few times, barely moving her hand or body. The same result occurred each time. I was stunned.
I jumped from the sofa to inspect the aura meter more closely. Although a cool-looking piece of equipment, it was rudimentary in design. There was no way Trish could have been controlling its movements. The only possibility for control would be to cause the pointer to spring up and down erratically. Instead, the pointer lifted at my aura’s wall and stayed in that position until she stepped backward—no bouncing up and down. Trish instructed me to sit on the sofa again to try a couple more experiments.
In the second aura meter exercise, Trish asked me to think of something negative, either sad or depressing. After a few minutes, she used the meter again to measure my aura. This time, the pointer didn’t lift until she got only inches away from my body. I was blown away by this evidentiary display of how our energy field can be clearly detected and how our aura is so noticeably affected by our thoughts.
Finally, Trish didn’t want to leave me in this low-energy state of mind, so she asked me to think about something positive—happy and uplifting thoughts. She also handed me a crystal, explaining that crystals are a natural energy source. She said that my energy—my aura—-would increase simply by holding this crystal. That, coupled with my thoughts about a happy memory, would increase its effect. After a few minutes, Trish measured my energy field again with the aura meter.
I had never really believed in the power of crystals, but Trish Whynot humbled me, causing the skeptic within to be more open-minded, so I was curious to see the results. This time, Trish walked to the farthest wall of her office to reach outside my expanded aura. I didn’t know if she was being funny or if she seriously needed the extra space. It turned out that she needed the extra space. The meter’s pointer now lifted about eleven feet away from me. I was so surprised by this display of evidence that I was ecstatic.
Within minutes, my aura changed from a reach of seven feet to five inches and then to eleven feet. It was a brilliant display of our ability to control the energy that surrounds our bodies.
An Alternate Use of the Aura Meter
Trish later showed me that the aura meter has additional uses aside from the ability to measure one’s aura. For example, once inside one’s aura, the meter will indicate areas of the body releasing excessive energy. The pointer again lifts in the air as it is placed near specific meridian points that release this energy flow, such as on the shoulders or knees. Depending on the location where the meter reacts, each indication reveals a possible issue that needs to be acknowledged, processed, and properly released.
Back in 2000, my right shoulder indicated that I was too hard on myself. My left shoulder revealed that I tried too hard to please others. Trish explained that when both shoulders have this excessive energy pouring out of the body, the client may have expended an unhealthy amount of energy trying to please his parents and never felt like what he did was good enough. Ouch! Trish’s aura-meter indications were painfully accurate.
Trish moved the aura meter in front of my right shin, and the pointer quickly pushed backward and held there.
“This indicates an issue with allowing yourself pleasure. Do you have a problem with shin splints?” she asked.
I thought to myself, You’ve got to be kidding. How does she know that?
In the summer of 1986, I discovered an enjoyment for running. I had been running about two miles a day with some friends. One day, I realized two miles was just a teaser, and I wanted to keep going. So I did. I ran seven miles that day, the next day, and the next. I enjoyed it so much that I ran seven miles daily for the rest of the summer.
One day, I got shin splints so badly that I could barely walk. I was done running for that season, but I tried it again in the spring. After only a couple of weeks, the shin splints returned. Months later, I tried it again and got the same result. Despite every attempt to avoid it—wrapping the shins, stretching, better sneakers, running on the grass—the shin splints always returned. This went on for several years until I finally stopped trying.
Trish Whynot identified the message my shins were giving me. I got great enjoyment from running, but I had issues with allowing myself pleasure. Hence the painful shin splints. It didn’t matter that I tried every preventative measure to avoid getting them the following season. The root cause of my pain wasn’t the running. It was my inner issue with allowing myself pleasure. The shin splints would recur until I was ready to resolve the root issue.
That was twenty-four years ago, and I eventually learned to allow myself enjoyment. I never started running again but turned my interests toward mountain biking, hiking, and kayaking, which I love equally.
Lessons Learned
Trish’s simple demonstration helped me understand why I can feel a person's energy when they enter the room. Like many of us, I’m sensitively empathic. I’m so affected by people’s dispositions that Melissa calls me SpongeBob. Trish helped me to understand what was causing me to feel their pain, joy, grief, anxiety, or enthusiasm. The person’s aura merges with my own when they’re near me (see illustration above article).
That being true, this demonstration also helped me to understand how I might positively affect others. If I’m feeling happy, peaceful, or excited, people near me are unconsciously influenced by how I feel. Trish helped me see that the more positive my mood and disposition, the farther my aura reached, which means more people are affected in a good way.
Even though people who are feeling sad, angry, or discouraged have low-energy auras that are much less expansive (closer to their bodies), if our high-energy auras fill the room, we might brush the auras of people experiencing negative emotions and feel their sorrow or suffering. On the other hand, we might also help lift their lower-energy aura toward higher energy if we’re near them.
If you’re a person who typically feels love, compassion, and gratitude in your heart, imagine the positive impact you’re making in the world as you walk through the grocery store, the mall, your school, or your workplace. Your radiance may expand ten to twenty feet in every direction, soothing minds, lifting moods, and offering a boost of joy as people’s auras converge with yours, even for a few seconds.
Trish’s demonstration taught me the need to take responsibility for how I influence others in this way. Suppose I get frustrated due to a forty-minute wait on hold with customer service and have an unsatisfactory result after my call. In that case, I now recognize the need to shake off that irritation before entering the outside world. Why should the cashier at the pet food store be negatively influenced by me? Never mind that my odds of getting pulled over by police or cut off in a parking lot have now increased. It’s best for everyone if I balance my energy field in an uplifting way.
I’ve learned to take simple steps toward raising my energy before exposing others to my lower-energy aura. Music always lifts my mood. Certain songs on my iPhone always pull me up when I need them. Just try listening to David Sanborn’s “The Dream,” Curtis Stiger’s “Swingin’ Down at 10th and Main,” Rickie Lee Jones’ “Danny’s All-Star Joint,” the B-52’s “Love Shack,” or even James Taylor’s “Secret O’ Life” and not feel your aura expand. I also love “Sweet Melissa” by The Allman Brothers Band, but that’s probably just for me. I often mix music with a walk in the woods with my dogs when I really need a boost.
Years ago, I noticed that I left the barbershop feeling better whenever I got a haircut from my barber, Ed. It’s not his sense of humor or entertainment factor. Ed is just loving and warm. Even though he’s twenty-five years younger than me, I feel like Norm from Cheers when I walk into the shop—welcomed like he is always happy to see me. I can’t see auras, but I know from experience that Ed’s aura is expansive and vibrating at an elevated frequency. And how many barbers will tell you they love you when you’re leaving? It’s no wonder I always feel uplifted after I get a haircut.
Music, exercise, pets, and friends are only four ways I cleanse and elevate my aura. Writing also raises my energy, as does playing my saxophone, watching a sitcom like Seinfeld or Friends, or spending time with Melissa doing absolutely anything.
Over the years, many people in town have told me that Melissa is their favorite customer. Seeing her always lifts their mood, they tell me. I’ve heard this from people of all ages at our chiropractic office, the health food store, and even the post office. I’ve heard it so often that I’ve forgotten many of the people who said it. I mentioned it to Melissa once, and she was perplexed. “I don’t know why people keep saying that. I don’t do anything that everyone else isn’t doing,” she responded. While I’m not convinced that her kindness isn’t a rarer commodity than she realizes, I’m sure that these people feel what she conveys in her aura: kindheartedness, compassion, warmth, and a peacefulness that is soothing and comforting.
Final Thoughts
I went to a session with a spiritual counselor to learn about meditation and walked away with a powerful lesson about auras. I wasn’t even sure I believed in auras before the demonstration. Years later, during a workshop, I watched Trish repeat this aura meter demonstration with several people. I was thankful I got to see it again because I wondered if I had exaggerated the experience in my mind. I hadn’t. Once again, Trish demonstrated her use of the aura meter with the lesson affirming the power of our mind to affect the energy surrounding our body, as well as the lesson that our aura expands and contracts depending upon our mood.
After my first experience with Trish, I quickly ordered an aura meter. I purchased the same one Trish used but wasn’t nearly as competent with it. Trying it taught me that people cannot influence the meter with hand or arm movements. If I tried to make the aura meter do what I wanted, the pointer would bounce up and down uncontrollably. I had to stop, start over, and steady my hand for an authentic experience. Only when I remained steady did the meter move upward and backward when it touched the wall of another person’s aura. You can probably imagine my excitement the first time I did it.
My story isn’t all that extraordinary by itself, but what we learn from it is profound. The energy that surrounds us is our aura. When our minds think happy, loving, or positive thoughts, that energy expands, yet that energy diminishes when our minds are filled with sad, agitated, or negative thoughts. And because our auras touch and merge with other people’s auras, we are connected in unseen but evidential ways.
I could argue that our auras can affect the world. If you’ve ever played Dominoes, you get the point. One aura touches another, then touches another, and so forth. My experience gives us all reason to take responsibility for how our auras affect others and use a little self-care to protect our auras from the toxicity of the energy fields surrounding us.
I hope sharing my experience with you made you think about the power of auras. I’d love to hear any stories you have to share on this subject in the comment section. I thank everyone who responded to last week’s story, The Incredible Awakening. Your messages of love and concern have been tucked away in my heart. I’m feeling great and living life with new gratitude and enthusiasm.
With love,
Bob Olson is the host of Afterlife TV, author of Answers About The Afterlife and The Magic Mala, and creator of the reputable directory of psychics and mediums, His latest venture is Bob Olson Connect, where you can read Bob’s articles before they become books.
PS, I interviewed Trish Whynot on Afterlife TV in 2015 about how ordinary people can communicate with loved ones in spirit through meditation. I also wrote an article about how Trish’s work with meditation helped me with a life-long obstacle to abundance.
Can you recommend an aura meter to purchase?
Hi Bob, thanks for sharing about the aura meter and how one's aura size changes with positive mood and with sad or negative mood, and with holding a crystal. I was intrigued how the aura meter could show energy changes in different parts of body. I've known about auras for over 40 years, but was clueless to the existence of an aura meter.
Thanks again for an inspiring article.
Blessings, Joan