Why Is "That" Person in Your Life?
The mysterious ways we attract people into our lives, and the divine purpose of challenging relationships.
Bob Olson is the host of Afterlife TV, author of two books, Answers About The Afterlife and The Magic Mala, and creator of the reputable directory of psychics and mediums, BestPsychicDirectory.com.
As noted in my last article (Releasing Childhood Wounds), I made five weekly appointments with a therapist who offered past-life regressions. His name was David. I never went into a past life with David during those appointments. Instead, I underwent the most extraordinary experiences that allowed me to shift and heal deep-seated challenges in my life. Today’s article is about another one of those sessions.
In this article, rather than transcribing the transcript of my session (as in last week’s article), I arrived home from my session and wrote about the insights I gained as if sharing them with a friend. This is what I wrote after my experience. I began by describing the big-picture lesson I learned in my session and then explained how it relates to me.
The people in our lives—our friends, family, coworkers, neighbors, employees, and employers—are mirrors to us. They reflect to us where we need growth and healing. They will continue to do this until we heal the part of us that they’re mirroring. The alternative is that they grow (before we do), so they are no longer a match for us. If they grow and move on before we’ve healed what they have been mirroring to us, someone else will fill their place until we no longer need that part of us to be healed.
Relationships don’t exist without divine influence. In other words, because every person helps everyone in their life to grow, learn, and heal, the significant people in our lives exist to teach us something. This may happen through their example. It might occur through something they say or do to us. It might even stem from how they react to something we say or do to them.